Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Help us help orphans in Russia!

Serving Others Worldwide is promoting a program called Alone No More and planning to take a group of volunteers to Kursk, Russia in September 2009 to help 8 different orphanages.

There are more than 1 million orphans and homeless children in Russia. Statistics show that if these children are not helped that only 1 out of 10 orphans becomes a functional member of society!

If you have a burden for making a difference in young lives, this is a great cause to give to. The Bible defines true religion, "pure and undefiled in the sight of God, to look after widows and orphans in their time of need." With Serving Others Worldwide's - Alone No More programs we are truly looking after these orphans in their "time of need" and can make possible for them the hope of a stronger future.

You can donate to this cause by going to our website at http://www.servingothers.org/make and donating to "Russia Orphans"!

Stay informed and keep up on our other programs through our blog!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we have to help orphans, and I fell so glad to visit this page where you try to find people in this case children that really need. Congrats, because what you do is difficult to find in other blogs.